About Intention & Surroundings

In the psychedelic space, SET AND SETTING refer to one's mindset (set) and the social and physical environment the journeyer finds him or herself in (setting). The importance of set and setting, for both recreational as well as therapeutic psychedelic experiences, was first observed by Al Hubbard and popularized by Tim Leary in the 60s. A positive set and setting can have a profound impact on our psychedelic experience. Luckily, we have some agency around both.

Set - Intention

Setting an intention prior to a medicine experience acts as a powerful mindfulness practice, helping you to clarify the "why" of your journey. It can give your journey a completely new layer of depth and can act as a thread to follow during your experience. This is your "set".

An intention can be set by journaling down your thoughts, affirmations or goals, uttered quietly or out loud or talked about with your guide/therapist. You can also meditate on your intention or affirmations before your journey.

Even though you can set an intention, try to detach yourself from the outcome of the journey. When we set expectations rather than intentions, we can get disappointed. More often than not, the medicine will take you where you NEED to go. However, having put some thought into the "why", can help steer your journey in that direction.

Staying open to whatever arises can help you navigate the space without attaching yourself to a specific outcome.

Some ways to set an intention:


  • I am letting go of what no longer serves me.

  • With every breath I allow myself to release fear and anxiety within me.

  • I am reclaiming my authentic self.

Journaling Prompts:

  • I am here to . . . . .

  • I am ready to let go of. . . .

  • I am stepping into . . . . .



take some time to think about your “why”


 Setting - Physical & Social Environment

The space you find yourself in during a psychedelic experience can have a profound impact on your journey. Depending on the nature of your trip, you may find yourself in a variety of settings; no matter where or how you choose to dive into the realms of the human unconscious - a safe and comfortable environment is recommended. Creating the right set and setting for your journey helps to create a relaxed mindset.


  • safe, secure, private

  • comfortable (pillows, blankets, eye covering ...)

  • ceremonial (essential oils, candles, incense, sacred items ...)


Whether you are an experienced psychonaut or are dipping your toes in for the first time - having a guide/shaman is recommended for a smooth and safe trip - from before takeoff to landing safely and reorienting to "the real world". A guide/shaman is someone who is familiar with the space you're going into, helps you navigate safely through the journey, and helps with preparation and integration. If you are using psychedelics recreationally, it is advised to have a "sitter" - somebody who can keep an eye on the journeyer(s) and can intervene or help out if necessary.

You are diving into a possibly very vulnerable and intimate space, so make sure you trust your guide/shaman/sitter to hold the space for you.



create an environment that is nurturing and healing to you